Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When my posts come MARCH-ing in.

'Much events happened in March,
Good and bad, in a plastic bag.
I'm wishing for world peace and nothing much,
For the world had slowly gone mad.'

Wednesday, 2nd March, 2011.

March Two Doodly Doo.

To start things, I turned 26. Ouch.
Had a memorable one, at least not at home alone, which I expected.
And also, I had my first time. 'My first time walking from the cinema to a car, surprised, blown a candle out of my one slice birthday cheesecake in a car'. Walk back to the cinema and Burlesqued, which is so good!

And so, that mysterious person made my day.

helllooo Xtina!

@LIVE and Barbeque party, at my crib
And fast forward to Friday night, I hung out with friends at @live, in Sunway Pyramid. The party was fun. I was half sober, just too bad that the band that's performing didn't turn up as the band I was expecting of. But still, it was a great night and I have my friends to thank for making it there.
The party didn't stop just there yet. The very evening, we had a barbeque party at my place. So we sang, we danced, we watched TV and laughed, and sang again.

Japan, Rocked and Aftershocked
Then, came this story of the year which shocked the world, and shooked Japan, literally.
As we know it, Japan was struck by multiple disasters.
Firstly the devastiting 9.1 Richter scaled earthquake.
Secondly, tsunami came in.
Thirdly, the explosions of nuclear reactors.
And then another 7 something Richter scaled quake.

Thank god, a friend of mine from Japan were spared. (phew)

For the moment, let's pray that peace and harmony prevails, and pray Japan will one again rise to it's feet.

For Japan,

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